The Medical Tweet Malaysia Organization (MedTweetMY) firmly expresses its stance to not support the proposed implementation of Different Working Hours (DWH) suggested by the Medical Advisory & Action Committee (MAAC). MedTweetMY believes that DWH does not address the root issue plaguing medical doctors in the Ministry of Health (KKM), which is the shortage of manpower. Additionally, the implementation of DWH is perceived as unfair to doctors as they work overtime without receiving appropriate allowances. Without addressing this structural problem, DWH has the potential to increase the workload of existing staff, thereby affecting the effectiveness of healthcare services as well as the mental and physical well-being of doctors.
As an alternative, MedTweetMY proposes the establishment of an independent committee to study a new work schedule arrangement that is more suitable and fair compared to DWH. The main task of this committee is to conduct comprehensive field surveys and hold dialogue sessions with doctors to understand the real needs and challenges they face. MedTweetMY believes that listening to the voices of doctors on the ground is key to forming a thorough work schedule policy. Based on the majority voice, this committee can draft a work schedule that is not only practical but also gains support from the doctors. A policy drafted with this inclusive approach will ensure smoother implementation.
Therefore, MedTweetMY urges KKM to consider this proposal. This step will ensure that the new work schedule policy not only meets service needs but also cares for the well-being of doctors, thereby improving the country’s health system as a whole.
Thank you,
Medical Tweet Malaysia Organization (MedTweetMY)
January 18, 2025